Everything to Know about Notice Periods when Renting out in Denmark

As a landlord in Denmark, it is crucial to be aware of the nuances involved in notice periods and tenancy laws. The typical notice period for terminating a lease on an apartment or room may vary. Learn more here!

Everything to Know about Notice Periods when Renting out in Denmark
Photo by cottonbro studio

Understanding the nuances of notice periods in Denmark is essential for landlords to ensure they are both respecting tenant rights and navigating their own legal responsibilities effectively. Danish rental law provides substantial protections for tenants, including specific requirements for notice periods before lease terminations.

Whether you're dealing with a private rental or social housing, knowing these critical details can help maintain a good landlord-tenant relationship and prevent legal pitfalls. This introduction to Danish notice periods for landlords highlights the importance of adhering to the mandated notice period, which is typically three months but can vary depending on the lease agreement. As a landlord in Denmark, keeping abreast of these rules can lead to more effective property management and ensure compliance with the law.

If you want to rent out a room in your apartment or house and love a smooth rental process, you can create a free room ad on Hemavi and avoid unnecessary stress when finding the best roommate.

Rental Periods and Termination of Rental Agreements in Denmark

In Denmark, the typical rental agreements usually fall into two categories: fixed-term leases and indefinite leases.

Fixed-term Leases: These leases are less common and are usually specified for a certain duration, often used for temporary or short-term housing needs. Once the term concludes, the lease automatically expires without the need for a notice of termination.

Indefinite Leases: More commonly, leases in Denmark are indefinite, meaning they continue without a specified end date until either party wishes to terminate the agreement under the conditions stipulated by the lease and Danish law. This type of lease offers more stability for tenants as they can typically remain in the property as long as they wish, provided they comply with the lease terms and rent payments.

Terminating a Fixed-term Lease

For fixed-term leases, the lease automatically expires at the end of the specified period, and neither party typically needs to give notice to end the lease. The tenant is expected to vacate the property by the end of the term unless a renewal is agreed upon. It is important to note that early termination by the tenant might not be allowed without specific clauses to this effect in the lease or unless agreed upon by the landlord.

Terminating an Indefinite Lease

Indefinite leases, on the other hand, do not have a predetermined end date. To terminate an indefinite lease, either the tenant or the landlord must give notice, the length of which is usually defined in the lease agreement. For tenants, the notice period is typically three months. Landlords, however, have more stringent requirements to meet before they can issue a notice of termination, often needing to provide a valid reason such as personal use of the property or significant breaches of the lease agreement by the tenant. The landlord’s notice period can vary significantly depending on how long the tenant has lived in the property but generally starts from three months and can extend to up to one year.

Both types of leases require adherence to formal procedures to ensure that terminations are legally binding and enforceable. In all cases, it's recommended for both tenants and landlords to review their lease agreements carefully and consult with legal professionals if necessary to fully understand their rights and obligations.

What is the typical notice period for terminating a rental agreement in Denmark?

The typical notice period for landlords to terminate a lease depends on the type of housing. For terminating a lease on an apartment or house, landlords generally must provide a three-month notice. If the lease is for a room without a separate kitchen, the notice period required from the landlord is typically one month. It's important to note that these are standard periods set by the Danish Rent Act, but the lease agreement itself may specify different terms, which also must comply with the law.

The notice period generally starts from the beginning of the month following the termination notification. For instance, if a landlord issues a termination notice in mid-January for a property that requires three months' notice, the period would start from February 1st, making the effective termination date May 1st.

Steps for Landlord-Initiated Termination

Once a landlord has provided a notice of termination to the tenant, the process must follow specific procedures and legal requirements, especially under the Danish Rent Act:

  • Written Notice: The termination must be issued in writing. The notice should include essential details such as the termination date and the reasons for termination, if applicable under the law.
  • Formal Requirements: The landlord needs to ensure that the termination complies with any formal requirements set out in the lease, such as providing a reason for the termination when required by law. For example, landlords may need to terminate the lease if they require the property for personal use or if the tenant has violated the lease terms.
  • Handling of Deposits and Final Inspection: Upon termination, a final inspection of the property should be conducted, comparing the current state of the property to its condition at the start of the tenancy as noted in the move-in report. This helps determine if any of the tenant's deposit should be withheld to cover damages beyond normal wear and tear.

Landlords must handle the termination process with care to avoid legal repercussions. Missteps in the termination process can lead to disputes and potential legal challenges from tenants. It's often advisable for landlords to seek legal advice or assistance from tenant organizations or legal professionals to ensure compliance with all aspects of Danish tenancy law and to handle any complexities that might arise during the termination process.


Navigating the complexities of Danish rental law is essential for landlords to foster positive relationships with their tenants while remaining compliant with legal obligations. The nuanced nature of notice periods—whether for fixed-term or indefinite leases—underscores the need for careful attention to the specific terms agreed upon within lease agreements. As we've explored, understanding these distinctions is not just about adherence to legalities; it's about ensuring the stability and clarity necessary for both parties throughout the rental process.

For landlords, especially, the ability to manage property effectively hinges on a clear grasp of these rules. Being proactive in communication and diligent in following legal procedures can mitigate potential disputes and streamline the process of lease termination. As Denmark offers strong protections for tenants, landlords must ensure that terminations are not only legally valid but also justly handled, considering the implications for both the tenant's security and the landlord's investment.

It is important to understand how the notice period works for a room in Denmark, but it is equally important to find a good person to be living with. If you want to rent out a room, Hemavi can help you avoid unnecessary stress when finding the best roommate.