Thrive in Sweden: International Student Services at the University of Gothenburg

Explore the University of Gothenburg's support for international students, offering pre-arrival webinars, on-campus services, health care, and tailored career guidance.

Thrive in Sweden: International Student Services at the University of Gothenburg
Photo by Johan Wingborg

Transitioning to university life in a new country can be as challenging as it is exciting. At the University of Gothenburg, a vibrant community of over 2,000 international students from more than 100 countries finds a supportive and enriching environment. This blog delves into the various student support services offered by the University of Gothenburg, designed specifically to help international students feel at home, stay healthy, and succeed academically.

Whether you're seeking advice on how to navigate the complexities of registration, looking for health services, or just trying to connect with fellow students, Gothenburg's dedicated support programs and resources are tailored to ensure every student can make the most of their university experience. Here, we’ll outline the key services available and share insights on how they can enhance your academic and personal journey in Sweden.

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Welcome Services at the University of Gothenburg

The Welcome Services at the University of Gothenburg provide comprehensive support to international students, ensuring they have a smooth transition to university life in Sweden. This begins even before students arrive in Gothenburg. Upon admission, international students are invited to participate in various online events such as webinars and Zoom cafés, which cover essential topics related to their upcoming move and studies. Additionally, they receive newsletters that keep them informed and prepared for their relocation​.

Once students arrive, the Welcome Programme introduces them to the university and life in Gothenburg. This programme is scheduled at the beginning of each semester and includes a range of activities designed to help students settle in. The Welcome Day, for instance, is an online event that provides students with a comprehensive introduction to university services, student unions, and health care services, among others. This is also an opportunity for students to ask questions and interact directly with university representatives through a Q&A session.

Moreover, the Welcome Services organizes social activities that allow new students to meet their peers and start building their social network. Events such as the Welcome Fair offer a platform for students to connect with student organisations and other groups, which is crucial for integrating into the student community and making the most of their time in Gothenburg.

Servicecenters at the University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg has several Servicecenters strategically located across its campuses to assist students, including international students, with a variety of services. These Servicecenters serve as the university's central information desks, providing support for navigating the university's resources and facilities.

Key services offered at these centers include:

  • General assistance with navigating campus and the city of Gothenburg.
  • Providing maps and helping students find their way around the university’s various locations.
  • Handling questions related to student accounts.
  • Assistance with obtaining or updating the GU card, which is essential for accessing various services and facilities on campus.
  • Providing contact information for different university departments and study counseling services.

The Servicecenters are located at main campus areas and in the university's main building in Vasaparken, ensuring they are accessible to all students. Additionally, these centers support students with directional information within the university, aiding in finding lecture halls, libraries, and other important facilities. This support is crucial for new students who are still familiarizing themselves with the university's urban campus spread across central Gothenburg​.

Student Health Services at the University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg offers comprehensive Student Health Services to support the well-being of its students, including international students. The primary provider for these services is Feelgood Göteborg City, which offers a range of health services tailored to the needs of students. It's important to note that Feelgood's services are primarily focused on issues directly related to student life and academics. They do not handle cases related to personal life stress, prescribe medications, or conduct detailed medical investigations.

Students can access up to three free counseling sessions per year. These sessions are designed to help with issues such as stress management related to academic pressures and ergonomic concerns like muscle and joint pain associated with study habits. If additional counseling is needed beyond the initial sessions, this can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. For students who prefer not to visit in person or are unable to, Feelgood offers the option of virtual consultations through their app, which is available on both Android and iOS platforms. All interactions with Feelgood are confidential, and they are responsible for maintaining medical records securely.

For international students specifically, understanding the healthcare system in Sweden is crucial. Healthcare is largely subsidized, but students from outside the EU/EEA might need to arrange their own health insurance before arrival, especially if their stay is shorter than a year. Once registered in the Swedish Population Register, students can receive a personal identity number which grants access to healthcare services at the same cost as Swedish citizens.

Academic Support at the University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg provides comprehensive academic support to ensure that international students can successfully navigate their educational experience. he university has eight libraries that provide extensive resources, including books, journals, and online materials. The libraries also offer guidance in academic writing and citing sources. This service is particularly helpful for research and access to a wide range of academic materials. Plus, the university provides guidance on effective study techniques and academic strategies through workshops and personal counseling. This is aimed at helping students manage their studies more efficiently.

Notably, the Unit for Academic Language (ASK) offers resources to enhance academic language and writing skills. It is specifically designed to help students improve their ability to write academic texts and develop effective study strategies.

Career Services at the University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg offers a comprehensive suite of career services to support both domestic and international students in their professional development and job search efforts. Here’s a detailed look at what's available:

  • Career Coaching and Workshops: The university provides one-on-one career coaching and a variety of workshops that focus on personal and professional development. These sessions can help you refine your CV, prepare for job interviews, and develop other job-search skills. These resources are particularly beneficial for international students unfamiliar with the Swedish job market.
  • Job Portal and Networking Events: A dedicated job portal offers access to a multitude of job opportunities, both within Sweden and internationally. Additionally, the university organizes networking events that connect students with potential employers. This can be crucial for international students looking to establish professional connections.
  • Integration into Curriculum: Many master's programs at the university include career development workshops as part of their curriculum. These workshops cover a range of topics from cooperation skills to career management, which are integrated into your academic experience.
  • Guidance on Working in Sweden: For those interested in staying in Sweden post-graduation, the university provides specific guidance on navigating the Swedish labor market, including understanding work-related benefits and the general working culture in Sweden. This is essential for international students considering long-term careers in Sweden.

For more information, you might find the Career and future section on the University of Gothenburg website helpful, which outlines various supports and services available to help guide your career path and professional growth.


From comprehensive welcome services that start before arrival to dedicated career support, the University of Gothenburg ensures that international students are well-integrated into the campus community and equipped for both academic and future career success. These services not only ease the transition to a new country but also enhance students' academic experiences and prepare them for successful careers.

To take the next step in your journey with moving to Gothenburg – finding accommodation, visit Hemavi—a gateway to accessing affordable, scam-free listings for shared accommodation in the city.