The Real Cost of Living with Roommates in Malmö, Sweden: A Guide for International Students

Moving to Malmö, Sweden, as an international student is a thrilling adventure filled with new experiences and opportunities. One such experience is living with roommates in the city, often the most affordable and fun housing option for students. But what does shared housing in Malmö really cost? Let's delve into it.

Budgeting for shared housing isn't just about the numbers. It's about understanding the value of your expenditures. Living with roommates in Malmö offers more than just shared costs. It's an opportunity for shared experiences, cultural exchange, and building lifelong friendships. Malmö is a city that thrives on its diverse, vibrant student population. The cost of living here reflects the high quality of life and student-friendly environment that the city offers. From its world-class universities to its rich cultural scene, Malmö is a city that is worth every krona.

When budgeting for your shared housing in Malmö, it's essential to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, always overestimate your expenses. It's better to be pleasantly surprised than caught short. Secondly, remember that your largest expense, rent, is also split among roommates in shared housing, making Malmö's roommate costs more affordable.

Hemavi can help ease the financial stress of moving to a new city. By matching you with compatible roommates, you can be confident in sharing costs and responsibilities. Hemavi's focus on safety and compatibility gives you peace of mind, knowing that your shared housing experience in Malmö will be a positive one.


The cornerstone of any housing budget is rent. Rent is typically the most significant part of a monthly budget for international students living in Malmö, Sweden. The cost of rent can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of accommodation, its location, and whether you are living alone or with roommates.

Shared Apartments/Rooms in Shared Housing

This is often the most affordable option for students. You can expect to pay between 3,000 to 6,000 SEK per month for a room in a shared apartment. The cost can be on the higher end if the apartment is in a popular area, such as near the city center or the university.

Studio/One-Bedroom Apartments

For students who prefer living alone, a studio or one-bedroom apartment can cost between 6,000 to 10,000 SEK per month. Again, apartments in popular areas or newer buildings can be on the higher end of this range.

University Housing

Some universities offer housing options for international students. These can be relatively affordable, with prices similar to those for rooms in shared housing or slightly higher. However, university housing can be in high demand and may not be available to all students.

Remember, these are average prices, and actual costs can vary. It's also important to note that some rentals may include utilities (like electricity, heating, and internet) in the rent, while others may not.


As an international student living in Malmö, Sweden, you'll need to account for various utilities in your budget. Utilities can include costs for electricity, heating, water, garbage collection, and internet service. Here's a general idea of what you might expect to pay for these services:


The cost of electricity can vary depending on your usage and the size of your apartment. On average, you might expect to pay around 300-500 SEK per month for electricity in a shared apartment.

Heating and Water

In many apartments in Sweden, the cost of heating and water is included in the rent. If it's not, these costs could add another 200-400 SEK per month to your utility bills.


The cost of home internet service can range from 200-400 SEK per month depending on the speed and plan you choose.

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is typically included in your rent in Sweden, so you usually won't have to pay extra for this service.

So, on average, if these utilities aren't included in your rent, you might need to budget an additional 700-1,300 SEK per month for utilities in a shared apartment. However, in many shared apartments and student accommodations, these costs are divided among the roommates, which can make them more affordable.

It's important to note that these are average costs and actual prices can vary. For example, your electricity bill could be higher if you use more electricity-intensive appliances or lower if you're conscientious about turning off lights and unplugging devices when they're not in use.

When you're considering a rental, make sure to ask what utilities are included in the rent and what you'll be expected to pay for separately. That way, you can accurately budget for your monthly expenses.


The cost of food in Malmö, Sweden, can vary depending on your eating habits and preferences. Whether you choose to cook at home, eat out at restaurants, or a combination of both will significantly influence your food budget. Here's an overview of what you might expect to pay for food as an international student in Malmö:


If you cook most of your meals at home, you might spend around 2,000-3,000 SEK per month on groceries. The exact amount will depend on your diet and the types of foods you prefer. For example, vegetarian and vegan diets can be cheaper than diets that include a lot of meat or fish.

Eating Out

If you prefer to eat out or grab take-away food, the cost can be significantly higher. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant can cost around 100-150 SEK, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant might cost around 300-500 SEK. Fast food options, such as a combo meal at McDonald's, could be around 80 SEK.

Coffee and Snacks

Don't forget to budget for smaller food expenses like coffee and snacks. A cappuccino at a local café might cost around 30-40 SEK, and a pastry or sandwich might be around 30-50 SEK.

Remember, these are average costs and actual prices can vary. Malmö has a diverse food scene with options to fit a variety of budgets. There are also student discounts available at some restaurants and cafes, which can help you save money.

One way to keep your food costs down is to shop at local markets or discount grocery stores and to prepare most of your meals at home. Meal planning and cooking with your roommates can also be a fun and cost-effective way to manage your food budget.


Living in Malmö means access to fantastic public transportation. Here's a general overview of the costs associated with transportation in Malmö:

Public Transportation

Malmö has an efficient public transportation system, including buses and trains. A monthly public transportation pass costs around 550 SEK. This pass gives you unlimited travel within the city and can be very cost-effective if you use public transportation regularly.


Malmö is known to be a bicycle-friendly city with many bike paths and lanes throughout the city. Many students choose to get around by bike. You can buy a used bicycle for anywhere from 500 to 2,000 SEK, or a new one for around 2,500 to 5,000 SEK. There's also the option of bike-sharing services, which usually have a pay-per-use or monthly subscription fee.


Having a car as a student in Malmö is less common, as parking can be expensive and difficult to find, and the city is well-served by public transport and bike paths. If you do choose to have a car, you'll need to budget for costs like fuel, insurance, and maintenance, in addition to the cost of the car itself.


One of the advantages of living in Malmö is that it's a compact city, making it possible to walk to many places. This is, of course, the most cost-effective method of getting around!

For most students, a combination of public transportation and walking or biking is the most cost-effective and convenient way to get around Malmö. These modes of transport also offer a great way to get to know the city and integrate into the local culture.


This is a broad category that includes costs other than the ones listed above, and can vary greatly according to each individual's preferences and interests. Here are some additional expenses you may need to budget for:


Sweden has a high-quality healthcare system. If you're a student from outside the EU/EEA, you will usually need to take out private health insurance unless you're staying for a year or more, in which case you can access the Swedish healthcare system. Costs for private insurance can vary widely, so it's worth shopping around.

Phone and Internet

If your accommodation does not include internet, you'll need to budget for this. Additionally, you'll likely need a Swedish SIM card for your phone. Combined, these costs can be around 200-400 SEK per month.

Leisure and Entertainment

Malmö has a lot to offer in terms of leisure activities and entertainment. Costs for things like cinema tickets, gym memberships, dining out, or going to concerts will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle.


Many international students take the opportunity to travel and explore other parts of Sweden or Europe during their studies. The cost will depend on how often and where you choose to travel.


The cost of living with roommates in Malmö, Sweden, while an important consideration, is just one part of your overall student experience. By budgeting wisely and leveraging tools like Hemavi, you'll be well-prepared for your exciting journey ahead!

With the challenge of finding suitable shared housing in Malmö, Hemavi provides a solution. As a matchmaking service for roommates and shared accommodation, Hemavi focuses on safety and compatibility among roommates. It ensures you not only find a place to live, but also the right people to live with.