The Key Components of a Room Rental Agreement in Denmark

As a landlord in Denmark, crafting a clear and comprehensive rental agreement is crucial not only for protecting your property and investment but also for maintaining a positive relationship with your tenants. Whether you're renting out an apartment, a room, or an entire house, understanding the essential elements that should be included in your rental agreement can help prevent disputes and ensure a smooth tenancy.

Denmark's rental market is regulated with a strong emphasis on protecting tenants' rights, making it even more important for landlords to be meticulous in their agreements. From specifying payment details to delineating maintenance responsibilities, each clause in your contract needs to be carefully considered to align with local laws and ensure fairness.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the key components every landlord should include in their rental agreements. Are you renting out a room in Denmark? Make sure you list your property on Hemavi to get matched within seconds!

What is a room rental agreement?

A room rental agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions under which the tenant can rent a room within a property. This type of agreement typically covers aspects such as the duration of the tenancy, rent, security deposit, utility payments, and house rules, among other elements. Room rental agreements are particularly common in shared housing situations, student accommodation, or when an individual rents out part of their residence.

With a significant student population, particularly in university cities, there is a high demand for room rentals. Universities in Denmark do not typically provide as much on-campus housing as seen in other countries, leading many students to seek off-campus shared housing. This situation increases the prevalence of room rental agreements. Plus, urban areas in Denmark generally have high occupancy rates, with Copenhagen experiencing rates often nearing 98%. This high demand impacts rental agreements, making the terms of leases particularly important for securing tenancy.

Components of a Room Rental Agreement

Parties Involved in the Agreement

In a rental agreement, the section on "Parties Involved" is crucial as it establishes the legal identities of those entering into the contract. This part of the agreement should be detailed and precise to ensure there is no ambiguity about who is legally responsible and bound by the terms of the contract. Typically, this section should include:

  • Full Legal Names: This means the landlord’s full name and the tenant's full name. If there are multiple tenants (such as in a shared housing situation), include each tenant's name.
  • Contact Information: Provide detailed contact information for both parties, such as their mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Representation: If the landlord uses a property management company or an agent, the agreement should state this clearly, including the legal name of the company or agent, their contact details, and a statement clarifying that the agent has the authority to act on behalf of the landlord in matters concerning the property.

Property Description

  • Address of the Property: Clearly state the complete address of the property. This should include street name, number, apartment or unit number if applicable, city, postal code, and country. This precise location description ensures there are no ambiguities about the rental's location.
  • Type of Property: Specify the type of property being rented. This could be an apartment, single-family home, condominium, studio, or just a room in a larger unit. The description should match the property’s legal description to ensure consistency and legal validity.
  • Physical Description: Include a detailed description of the physical structure and layout. Mention the number of rooms, bathrooms, living areas, and any outdoor spaces such as balconies or gardens. Indicate the square footage or square meters to provide a sense of size.
  • Included Amenities and Features: List all amenities and features that come with the property, such as appliances, designated parking, furniture, safety features, and which utilities are included in the rent (water, electricity, WiFi...etc).
  • Condition of the Property: Note the current condition of the property. This can include age, recent renovations, or upgrades that have been made. Providing this information helps establish the expected maintenance level and clarifies the condition the tenant should maintain.
  • Unique Features or Restrictions: Highlight any unique features (e.g., historic elements, solar panels) or specific restrictions (e.g., no alterations or painting without approval, no pets, etc.).

Rental Term

The "Rental Term" section defines the duration for which the property will be rented. It is important to clearly specify the exact start date and end date of the rental period, as well as its type:

  • Fixed-Term Lease: This type of lease has a specific beginning and ending date as noted above. It’s commonly used for residential leases and provides stability for both tenant and landlord.
  • Indefinite Lease: Sometimes known as a periodic tenancy or rolling lease, this arrangement continues until either the landlord or tenant decides to terminate the lease, often requiring notice according to legal or agreed-upon terms.

If there is an option to renew the lease, this section of the room rental agreement should outline the conditions under which renewal can occur. This might include:

  • The need for either party to notify the other of the intent to renew by a certain date.
  • Any changes to the terms of the lease upon renewal, such as rent adjustments.
  • The length of the renewal term (e.g., another year, month-to-month, etc.).

Some leases include an automatic renewal clause, meaning the lease will automatically renew for a specified period unless the tenant or landlord provides notice to terminate.

Rent Details

The "Rent Details" section of a rental agreement is crucial as it sets forth the financial obligations of the tenant and the expectations of the landlord. This section ensures there is no ambiguity about the payment terms, which helps in preventing disputes related to financial matters.

As a landlord, you should clearly state the monthly rent amount that the tenant is required to pay and specify the date by which the rent is due each month. Common practice is to set this on the first day of the month, but this can vary based on agreement. Also, mention any grace periods or late fee arrangements if the rent is paid after the due date. It's also beneficial to include the total amount of rent due for the entire lease term if applicable, particularly in fixed-term leases.

In this section, you can also outline acceptable methods of rent payment, such as bank transfer, online payment systems, or check. Provide all necessary details for making payments, like bank account numbers or online payment portals, to ensure the tenant knows how to comply.

If the rent is subject to annual adjustments, the "Rent Details" section should specify the criteria for rent adjustment. In many regions, this could be tied to a consumer price index, a fixed percentage increase, or other economic indicators. Local laws may require a minimum notification period before any rent increase can take effect, if that's the case, it's important to state how far in advance the tenant will be notified of rent adjustments.

Security Deposit

By Danish law, the security deposit for a rental property can be up to three months' rent. The security deposit is primarily held to cover damages to the property that go beyond normal wear and tear. It can also be used for cleaning if the property is not returned in the same condition as when the tenancy began. In cases where the tenant leaves without paying the last month's rent or if there are outstanding utility bills, the security deposit can be used to cover these costs.

At the start of the tenancy, it's beneficial for both parties to document the condition of the property with a thorough walkthrough and photographs. This documentation can be referred to when determining if any damages need to be covered by the security deposit. Landlords should clearly communicate the terms regarding the security deposit in the rental agreement, including potential reasons for withholding the deposit and the process for its return.

Maintenance and Repairs

In a rental agreement, it's crucial to clearly outline the responsibilities for maintenance and repairs to ensure both the landlord and the tenant know their obligations, which helps maintain the property in good condition and prevent disputes. Typically, landlords are responsible for major repairs and maintenance. This includes tasks that affect the structural integrity and safety of the property, such as roof repairs, structural repairs to foundations and walls, and significant plumbing and electrical system fixes. Additionally, landlords must ensure the property meets all local health and safety regulations, which includes maintaining working smoke detectors and secure windows and doors.

Tenants, on the other hand, are generally responsible for minor repairs and daily maintenance tasks that arise from their use of the property. These tasks might include replacing light bulbs, keeping drains free of clogs, changing batteries in smoke detectors, and minor damage repairs like patching small holes in walls from hanging pictures. Tenants are also responsible for repairing any damage they or their guests cause to the property.

The lease agreement should clearly define what constitutes minor and major repairs to avoid misunderstandings. It should also specify how tenants should report maintenance issues and outline the landlord's expected response times, which ensures that problems are resolved efficiently. If the lease allows tenants to perform some repairs, it should clearly state which repairs require the landlord’s approval before proceeding. Furthermore, the agreement can include provisions for regular property inspections by the landlord to ensure ongoing maintenance, specifying that notice will be given in compliance with local laws. For emergency situations that require immediate attention to prevent damage or ensure tenant safety, the lease should detail the procedure for handling such emergencies.

Rules and Regulations

In the "Rules and Regulations" section of a rental agreement, specifying house rules is key to ensuring that all parties understand the expectations and limitations of behavior within the rented property. This section helps maintain a harmonious living environment and minimizes disputes by clarifying what is permissible and what is not.

Firstly, noise regulations are commonly addressed. These rules set expectations for acceptable noise levels to prevent disturbances, often specifying quiet hours—for example, no loud activities between 10 PM and 7 AM. Such regulations are especially important in multi-unit buildings where residents live in close proximity. Pet policies are another crucial aspect. Whether pets are allowed, and if so, what types, sizes, or breeds are permitted, should be clearly outlined. Additionally, the agreement might include requirements for additional deposits for pet owners, stipulations about keeping common areas clean, and any specific local regulations regarding pets in rental properties.

Smoking rules also need to be explicitly stated, particularly whether smoking is allowed within the rental unit or in common areas. With the increasing preference for non-smoking buildings, many landlords opt to prohibit smoking entirely to minimize health risks and maintenance costs associated with smoke damage.

Subletting is a critical area to regulate. The agreement should state whether the tenant has the right to sublet the room or property and under what conditions. Typically, subletting requires the landlord's prior approval to ensure the new tenant meets the landlord's criteria, maintaining the security and integrity of the property.

Additionally, landlords often include regulations about the use of common areas, maintenance responsibilities, and other behaviors such as the storage of bicycles, use of barbecues, or disposal of trash and recycling. It's important that all rules and regulations comply with local laws to ensure they are enforceable and non-discriminatory.

Right of Entry

In rental agreements, it's standard to specify that the landlord or their designated agents have the right to enter the property under certain conditions, primarily for inspection, maintenance, or emergency repairs. To respect the tenant's privacy, the agreement usually requires the landlord to provide advance notice before entering. This notice period is typically 24 to 48 hours, depending on local laws and the terms of the lease. Furthermore, the rental agreement should outline the acceptable hours for the landlord's entry, generally during normal business hours, unless an emergency necessitates immediate attention at an unusual time. This consideration helps maintain a respectful and professional relationship between the landlord and tenant.

Emergencies are an exception to this rule. If there is an urgent situation that poses an immediate risk to the property or the safety of its occupants—such as a water leak, gas leak, or structural damage—the landlord can enter the property without prior notice to address the issue. This provision ensures that the landlord can act swiftly to prevent extensive damage or address significant safety concerns.

Termination Conditions

In a typical rental agreement, the conditions for terminating the lease are specified for both routine and exceptional situations. For routine terminations, such as the natural expiration of a fixed-term lease, the agreement usually specifies whether the lease will automatically renew or if it will end on a specified date. If either party wishes not to renew a lease, they are generally required to notify the other party within a specified timeframe, usually 30 to 90 days prior to the lease’s expiration. For early termination, the conditions are more detailed. If a tenant wishes to leave before the end of a fixed-term lease, they may be subject to penalties unless they can invoke a legally recognized cause for early termination, such as a job relocation, military service, or health reasons. These penalties might include forfeiting a deposit or continuing to pay rent until the property is re-leased.

Landlords, for their part, are generally allowed to terminate a lease early only under specific conditions, such as the tenant violating lease terms by not paying rent or causing significant damage to the property. In such cases, the agreement should detail the process for issuing a notice of lease violation, which typically gives the tenant a chance to rectify the issue within a given period. If the tenant fails to address the violation, the landlord can then proceed with eviction according to local laws.

The lease should also clarify any legal rights tenants have to contest an eviction, ensuring that the process respects local tenant protection laws. It's important for these conditions to be explicitly stated in the agreement to ensure that both parties understand the potential consequences of terminating the lease early and the procedures they must follow to do so legally and fairly.


Both parties should sign the agreement to make it legally binding. Consider having witnesses or legal validation if required by local law.


Creating a comprehensive and legally sound rental agreement is a cornerstone of successful property management in Denmark. As a landlord, the responsibility lies with you to ensure that every aspect of the lease—from the identities of the parties involved to the specific terms of tenancy termination—is clearly articulated and adheres to local regulations. The nuances of crafting such an agreement are critical not only for safeguarding your property and investment but also for maintaining transparent and positive relationships with your tenants.

Ultimately, whether you're renting out a room or an entire property, the effort you put into drafting a thorough rental agreement reflects your commitment to upholding both your rights and those of your tenants. This not only fosters a stable rental arrangement but also enhances your reputation as a fair and reliable landlord. Remember, a well-crafted rental agreement is not just a legal requirement; it's an integral part of achieving a successful and dispute-free rental experience.

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