The Do's and Don'ts of Moving to Malmö, Sweden as an International Student

Moving to a new city in a different country can be both an exhilarating and challenging experience. As an international student, making Malmö, Sweden, your home brings along a mix of emotions and plenty of to-do's. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential moving to Malmö tips and relocation advice that can make your move smoother and your student life more enjoyable.

DO's of Moving to Malmö as a Student

Learn Swedish

While it's true that many Swedes speak excellent English, learning some Swedish can prove invaluable. Not only does it make day-to-day life easier, but it also aids in understanding and immersing in the local culture better. Most universities in Sweden offer free Swedish language courses for international students - a resource worth tapping into.

Secure your Accommodation Early

The housing market in Malmö can be competitive, especially around the semester's start. It's a prudent move to begin your search for accommodation well in advance. Here, Hemavi can be a lifesaver. Hemavi is a matchmaking service for shared accommodation, focusing on safety and roommate compatibility. It can simplify your hunt for a safe, comfortable, and harmonious living environment.

Embrace the Local Culture

Sweden's culture is rich and fascinating. Be open to trying local foods, celebrating Swedish holidays, and partaking in traditional customs. It's an excellent way to understand your new home better and integrate with the local community.

Utilize Public Transportation

Malmö boasts an efficient public transportation system, including buses and trains. Additionally, it's a very bike-friendly city - so do consider using these modes of transport for your daily commute.

Get a Swedish SIM Card

As an international student in Sweden, it's beneficial to get a Swedish SIM card for local rates on calls, texts, and data. A local phone number simplifies many tasks, including setting up a bank account and other administrative processes. You can buy a prepaid card or a monthly plan from providers like Telia, Telenor, or 3. Compare the plans, consider your needs, and choose the best fit for you. Make sure your phone is unlocked and compatible with the network.

DON'Ts of Moving to Malmö as a Student

Don't Underestimate the Cost of Living

Sweden is a relatively expensive country, and it's vital to manage your finances well. As an international student in Malmö, Sweden, you can expect to spend around 7,000-9,000 SEK per month. This includes rent (3000-5000 SEK for shared accommodation), food (around 2000 SEK), local travel (around 550 SEK for a monthly pass), and other miscellaneous expenses. Please note these are approximate values and actual costs can vary based on personal lifestyle and choices. Be mindful of your spending, especially in the initial months when the temptation to explore and eat out can be high.

Don't Forget to Register with Local Authorities

If you're staying in Sweden for longer than three months, you need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency to get a personal identification number (personnummer). This number is crucial for accessing various services, including healthcare and banking.

Don't Skip Out on Personal Insurance

If you're from outside the EU/EEA, getting private health insurance is advisable. It safeguards you from potential healthcare costs that can arise during your stay. International students from non-EU/EEA countries studying in Sweden for over a year are usually eligible for the Swedish national health insurance. However, those studying for a shorter period or from EU/EEA countries should ensure they have valid health insurance from their home country or get a private health insurance plan in Sweden. It's crucial to check the terms and coverage of your insurance policy, and if necessary, consider additional coverage for comprehensive protection.

Don't be Afraid to Ask for Help

Moving to a new country can be daunting. But remember, everyone has been new at some point, and most people are willing to help. Reach out to your university's international office, fellow students, or new Swedish friends for advice.

Don't Stay Indoors During Winter

Swedish winters can be cold and dark. However, they also present an opportunity to engage in a variety of winter activities. Make sure to get outside, and when the sun shines, soak up your dose of Vitamin D. Malmö offers delightful winter activities. You can go ice-skating at the local outdoor rinks or take a leisurely walk in parks like Pildammsparken, adorned with beautiful winter scenery. Enjoy winter festivals and Christmas markets, which are perfect to explore Swedish traditions and try local delicacies. If you're into indoor activities, visit Malmö's numerous museums, cafes, or take a dip in the heated outdoor Ribersborgs Kallbadhus.

Don't Neglect Finding the Right Roommate

Living with compatible roommates can significantly enhance your international student experience. It's not just about sharing costs; it's about building a harmonious living environment. Here's where Hemavi shines. Our platform prioritizes safety and compatibility between roommates, helping you find not just a place to stay, but a place to call home.


Moving to Malmö, Sweden, as an international student is an exciting journey filled with new experiences and opportunities. By keeping in mind these do's and don'ts, you can make your relocation and transition smoother. It's about planning ahead, embracing the local culture, and taking advantage of resources like Hemavi to find suitable roommates and ensure a memorable student life in Malmö.

Embrace the new, navigate the challenges, and remember to enjoy the journey. After all, these student years in Malmö will be some of the most memorable times of your life. Welcome to Malmö!