The Different Types of Shared Housing

Whether you’re moving out of your parents’ house for the first time or just looking to relocate, shared housing can be a great option. It offers an affordable approach to living in a metropolitan or large city (where rent prices are typically higher), while still maintaining some privacy and independence. It can also be an exciting way to meet new people and expand your circles, especially if you’re moving to a new city.

Shared housing is a living arrangement where two or more individuals share a living space and its facilities. The concept of shared housing is becoming increasingly popular due to the high cost of living and the need for more affordable housing options. There are various types of shared housing arrangements, each with its unique features and benefits.

Shared housing comes in many different varities

Shared housing is a great option for people who are looking for an alternative to traditional rental, or for those hoping to make friends more quickly than renting an apartment would allow.

The first thing you'll want to do is decide what type of shared living situation will work best for your needs. House sharing can be a great way to save money on rent and utilities while still having a lot of privacy, while co-living can provide more opportunities for socializing and interaction.


Co-living spaces are designed for individuals who are looking for a more communal living experience. Co-living providers create and execute spaces for the specific purpose of encouraging engagement and interaction among tenants. Residents in these spaces typically share common areas such as the kitchen, living room, and dining room, and may have private or shared bedrooms. They also have access to shared facilities and leisure areas, such as gyms, swimming pools, coworking spaces, among others. Co-living spaces are often found in urban areas and are popular among young professionals and students who want to live in a community-oriented environment.

Rather than just living together, tenants who opt for coliving arrangements do so because they are seeking to create a deep connection, share knowledge, and find a sense of belonging with their roommates.

House or apartment-sharing

House sharing is another type of shared housing arrangement where two or more individuals live in a single house. This type of shared housing is typically found in suburban areas and is ideal for families or individuals who want to live in a quiet and peaceful environment. House sharing arrangements may also include shared facilities such as gardens and garages.

Apartment sharing is similar to house sharing in that it refers to a group of individuals who decide to rent an entire apartment, sharing rent and expenses. Each person has their own private bedroom but shares common areas such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. This type of shared housing is ideal for students, young professionals, and anyone who is looking for an affordable and convenient living arrangement.

In both house and apartment sharing, the rental is done privately, when an individual looks for and finds a place to live, signs a lease in his/her name, and then proceeds to find a roommate.


Room rental is a type of shared housing where an individual rents out a room in an apartment or house where another roommate is already living. This type of shared housing is ideal for individuals who want to live in a more affordable environment. Room rental arrangements may also include shared facilities such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. This type of living arrangement can be especially helpful for young adults who are just starting out in life and don't have much experience renting apartments or houses yet.

Guest house

Usually found in vacation spots or locations where short-term rentals are widespread, guest houses are an option for temporary accommodation, typically housing more than one person at a time. At a guest house, the owner offers residents living space in addition to some perks, such as meals or cleaning services.


Each type of shared housing has its own unique features and benefits. For example, roommate arrangements are ideal for individuals who are looking for an affordable and convenient living arrangement, while co-living spaces are ideal for individuals who want to live in a more community-oriented environment.

Looking for shared accommodation? Check out our listings in Sweden.