The Advantages of Living with Roommates

A roommate is one of the closest relationships anyone will ever have. Sharing living quarters means you’ll be spending more time with your roommate than you do with your friends and family. This can be a double-edged sword, as there are certain pros and cons that come with co-living.

We all know the number one advantage of living with roommates: splitting the rent. With the rising cost of living, many students and professionals have opted for sharing one big space rather than rent their own apartment or studio.

But there’s so much more to co-living than sharing costs. Here are some of the advantages of living with roommates.

New friends

Whether you’re living in a collective or sharing an apartment with one or two flatmates, you’re surely going to be spending a lot of time with them! Co-living may introduce you to your new best friend(s), granted that you live with someone you’re compatible with.

Of all the pros living with a roommate can have, a built-in-friend offers companionship like no other. With a roommate, you’ll always have someone to hang out with, talk to at the end of a long day and watch movie marathons with!

New experiences

Chances are, your roommate will be able to introduce you to new places, friends, and experiences. This is especially true if you’ve just moved to a new city and are living with a roommate who’s been living there for a while. Your roommate can give you recommendations for places to hang out, not-to-miss local restaurants, hidden gems, and more!

Depending on who you live with and where they are originally from, your roommates can also be your window into different cultures, beliefs, food, routines and perspectives. By learning more about them and where they come from, you’ll expand your understanding of the world.

New life skills

One of the well-known advantages of having a roommate is sharing chores. You can take turns washing dishes, doing the laundry, vacuuming, taking out the trash and any other tasks that help keep your space clean and well-maintained.

But there’s more to sharing chores than that! Perhaps your roommate is a good cook, while you are a bit of an organization enthusiast yourself - which is grounds for a great exchange of important life skills.

New decor

Even if you’re renting a furnished property, you’ll likely still need to buy some household items to make the place yours. While it may mean you might have to compromise on some decor choices, having a roommate will surely develop your sense of style, as you’ll have to make furnishing decisions together. This might mean a new color palette, a different design for the space, or even purchasing furniture that you’ve never owned before!

Furniture shopping is a great way to bond, and an apartment that’s furnished through a combination of your tastes and preferences will surely feel like home (and an accomplishment!)

If you’re looking for a roommate in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands or Denmark, check out our listings!