Surviving Swedish Weather: A Guide for International Students in Gothenburg

Adapting to Swedish weather can be a challenge for international students, particularly those from warmer climates. Our guide offers tips on how to dress and adapt to the different seasons in Gothenburg.

Surviving Swedish Weather: A Guide for International Students in Gothenburg
Photo from Vogue

The seasons in Sweden offer a unique blend of beauty and challenge. Whether it's the crisp chill of winter, the vibrant bloom of spring, the long sunny days of summer, or the golden hues of autumn, each season brings its own distinctive atmosphere and weather conditions. As an international student in Gothenburg, adapting to the Swedish weather can be an adventure in itself. Here are some tips to help you navigate the weather in Gothenburg and enjoy all that Sweden has to offer.

By understanding and preparing for the weather in Gothenburg, you can focus on the important aspects of your student life, like finding the perfect accommodation. This is where Hemavi comes in. Hemavi helps international students find compatible roommates and secure comfortable shared accommodations in Gothenburg. So while you're preparing to tackle the Swedish weather, let Hemavi take care of your housing needs.

Winter: Embrace the Cold

Swedish winters can indeed be daunting, particularly for those hailing from warmer climates. But they also hold a particular kind of magic. Gothenburg transforms into a winter wonderland with its snow-covered streets, and the city sparkles with festive lights.

Temperatures often drop below freezing, so proper winter gear is essential. Invest in a good quality winter coat that is both water and windproof. Layering is key — start with thermal base layers, add a warm sweater or fleece, and finish with your outer coat. A pair of insulated, waterproof boots will keep your feet warm and dry, and don't forget a hat, scarf, and gloves to protect against the chill.

Winter days in Gothenburg are short, with the sun setting early in the afternoon. It's important to make the most of daylight hours when possible and keep active to combat any winter blues. Embrace winter activities such as ice-skating or try cross-country skiing. Join in the traditional Swedish 'julbord', a festive Christmas buffet, to experience local culture and cuisine.

Spring: Welcome the Rebirth

Spring in Gothenburg is a time of rebirth, as the city emerges from its winter slumber. The days gradually become longer, and the city begins to bloom, with flowers adding a splash of color to the landscape.

The weather during spring can be quite variable, with temperatures ranging from cool to mild. Dressing in layers is the key to navigating this transitional season. Start with a base layer and add a warmer sweater or fleece, topping it off with a waterproof jacket for those frequent spring showers. Waterproof shoes or boots are also a good investment.

Spring is an excellent time to explore Gothenburg's parks and green spaces, like the Botanical Garden or Slottsskogen. Watch as they come alive with blooming flowers and budding trees. Biking is a popular activity in spring, and it's a great way to get around and see the city.

Summer: Enjoy the Sun

Summers in Gothenburg are generally mild, but temperatures can occasionally spike up to 25 degrees Celsius or more. The city comes alive in the summer, with outdoor cafes, music festivals, and bustling parks.

Light, breathable clothing is typically sufficient for the Swedish summer. However, it's still a good idea to carry a light jacket or sweater, as evenings can be cooler. Don't forget your sunglasses and sunscreen to protect against the sun, which during the height of summer, only sets for a few hours each night.

Gothenburg's archipelago is a must-visit in the summer. You can swim, kayak, or simply enjoy a picnic by the sea. The city's many parks and green spaces are also popular spots for barbecues, games, and relaxing in the sun.

Autumn: Experience the Golden Hues

Autumn in Gothenburg is a spectacular sight. The city is painted in hues of red, orange, and gold as the trees change color. It's the perfect time for cozy sweaters, warm drinks, and walks in the crisp autumn air.

Like spring, autumn is a transitional season, with weather that can quickly change from warm to cold. Layering is also the key during autumn. A warm sweater, a waterproof jacket, and sturdy, waterproof shoes will keep you comfortable.

Autumn is also a season of harvest, and you'll find plenty of local produce in the city's markets. It's a good time to try local delicacies like apple cider and pastries made from seasonal fruits. If you're up for a short trip, visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch for a fun day out.

As the days get shorter and the nights draw in, Gothenburg's cultural life moves indoors. It's a great time to explore the city's museums, galleries, and concert halls, or simply cozy up in one of the many cafes with a good book.

Remember, the weather can be unpredictable in Gothenburg, so always check the forecast before heading out. And no matter the season, Gothenburg has something to offer everyone. Embrace the changes in weather, and you'll get to experience the city in all its diversity and beauty.

While you're getting to know the weather in Gothenburg, let Hemavi take care of finding your perfect shared accommodation. With a focus on safety and compatibility, Hemavi helps international students find compatible roommates and secure comfortable accommodations. By understanding your preferences and lifestyle, Hemavi ensures a harmonious living arrangement that lets you focus on your studies and enjoying your time in Gothenburg.


As you navigate your new life in Gothenburg, embracing the unique rhythm of the Swedish seasons can become an integral part of your journey. From the frosted beauty of winter to the vibrant greenery of summer, each season brings its own charm and challenges. Adapting to the weather in Gothenburg allows you to fully immerse yourself in the Swedish lifestyle and culture, creating a truly enriching study abroad experience.

The key to thriving in any climate is to be prepared and flexible. Keep an eye on the forecast, dress appropriately, and seize the opportunities each season presents. You'll soon find that there's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!

And while you're exploring the city, tasting new foods, trying new activities, and making new friends, Hemavi will be there to ensure your living arrangements are the least of your worries. Hemavi understands that settling into a new city involves more than just finding a place to sleep. It's about creating a home away from home, a comfortable space where you can relax, study, and socialize. That's why Hemavi focuses on compatibility between roommates. We consider factors like study schedules, lifestyle habits, and personal preferences to match you with roommates who will complement your Gothenburg experience, not complicate it.