Creating Success: Student Support Services at the Stockholm School of Economics

Planning for an academic journey abroad can be both exhilarating and daunting. For international students considering the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), the institution offers a comprehensive support system designed to make the transition smoother and the educational experience as enriching as possible. Whether you are grappling with academic challenges, navigating mental health concerns, or needing financial support, SSE provides tailored services to meet a diverse range of needs.

At SSE, the commitment to supporting international students is evident in every aspect of campus life, ensuring that you not only achieve your academic goals but also enjoy a fulfilling and balanced university experience.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Support at SSE

At the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), a robust support network is in place to promote student mental health and wellbeing. The campus features a Student Wellbeing Counsellor available three days a week to provide support on issues like stress and anxiety and general well-being. Students are encouraged to discuss any concerns in this safe and confidential setting. Additionally, SSE hosts "Mindful Monday" sessions every Monday, offering space for guided meditation and relaxation, to help students and staff de-stress and refocus. Additional pop-up events related to mindfulness, such as mindful eating and yoga sessions, are also organized. These sessions are open to all in the SSE community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, aiming to foster a mindful campus environment.

The annual SSE Health Day, organized in collaboration with the student association SASSE, includes activities focused on mental, physical, and general health, open to all students, faculty, and staff. Furthermore, the Student Health Council actively promotes health through various initiatives, reflecting SSE's commitment to fostering a healthy study and work environment. The Center for Wellbeing, Welfare, and Happiness at SSE also underscores this commitment by researching and implementing practices that improve life quality, integrating academic insights into practical support for the SSE community.

Academic and Career Support at SSE

The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) provides comprehensive academic support tailored to enhance student learning and success. This support system encompasses several key areas:

  • Academic Advising: SSE offers academic advising to help students with study planning, study techniques, and other related academic questions. Advisors guide students throughout their educational journey, ensuring they have the resources and strategies needed to excel in their studies.
  • Support for Students with Disabilities: SSE is committed to inclusivity and provides specialized support for students with permanent disabilities. This includes adaptations for written exams, note-taking support, and access to recorded course literature. The support is tailored to each student's needs, ensuring they can compete on equal footing with their peers.
  • Pedagogical Resources: The university maintains a range of pedagogical resources that facilitate various forms of learning. This includes access to advanced learning technologies and libraries, which host a rich collection of digital and print media to support the coursework and research activities of students.
  • Study Techniques Workshops: Periodically, SSE organizes workshops that focus on improving study habits, time management skills, and examination techniques. These workshops are designed to help students optimize their study time and improve their academic performance.

Financial Aid at SSE

Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) offers a range of scholarships for international students, particularly for those pursuing Master's programs. These scholarships vary by region and are primarily merit-based, considering factors like academic excellence, motivation, and extracurricular activities.

For example, the Af Jochnick scholarships are available for students from Eastern Europe and Turkey, while the American Friends of SSE scholarship covers full tuition for North American students. Additionally, the Carl Silfvén scholarship includes tuition and a stipend for living and travel expenses for students with significant work experience in Swedish companies. There are also gender-targeted scholarships like the Gender Equality Scholarship, aimed at supporting female students in finance and accounting programs​.

Student Organizations at SSE


The Student Association at the Stockholm School of Economics (SASSE) is a vibrant and integral part of the student experience at SSE. Founded alongside the school in 1909, it is one of the oldest academic institution student unions in Sweden, with a long history of deep involvement with the corporate sector in Northern Europe.

SASSE is well-organized, featuring a range of committees that cater to different aspects of student life and interests:

  • Business Committee: Focuses on financial resources and partnerships to enhance student life.
  • Education Committee: Works to improve the quality of education by gathering student feedback and organizing guest lectures.
  • Entertainment Committee: Manages social events and gatherings.
  • International Committee: Facilitates international student integration and activities.
  • Tech Committee: Provides tech support and fosters technical skills among students.
  • Media Committee: Handles communications, including managing the student association's media presence.
  • Social Committee: Organizes social events and activities to foster community among students.
  • Sports Committee: Coordinates sports and recreational activities, contributing to a healthy lifestyle for students.

Apart from these, SASSE also runs several independent projects and sub-organizations, such as the Stockholm Student Investment Fund and the Consulting Society. One notable event is the Student Nobel Nightcap, the official afterparty for the Nobel Prize ceremony, which SASSE hosts every four years in rotation with other major Stockholm universities.

For more detailed information, you can visit SASSE's official website here.

Days of Opportunities (DoO) at SSE

This is one of the most prestigious organizations at SSE. It organizes an annual career fair, attracting companies and universities from across the Baltics. The event provides a platform for students to network with potential employers, receive CV feedback, and participate in company presentations and Q&A sessions.

180 Degrees Consulting at SSE

The largest student-driven consultancy in the world, this group offers members the opportunity to work on projects that address social issues. Members receive training in consulting methodologies and gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects.

Entrepreneurial Support at SSE

The House of Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is a dynamic interdisciplinary center that emphasizes research, education, and outreach in the areas of innovation, digitalization, and entrepreneurship. This center not only engages in producing scientifically grounded knowledge but also in nurturing new ventures and transforming existing organizations to enhance societal prosperity. The House of Innovation is committed to pushing the boundaries of how innovation and digital technologies can be leveraged in business and society.

Additionally, the House of Innovation is involved in educating the next generation of leaders and innovators. It offers a conducive environment for both doctoral and postdoctoral researchers focusing on a wide array of topics, including artificial intelligence, the future of work, and sustainable business practices. The center fosters a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, encouraging interdisciplinary research and providing a platform for researchers to enhance their academic and professional trajectories.

Another key institution is the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES). Founded with the support of the Erling Persson Family Foundation, SSES offers education and incubation services to students and alumni of Stockholm’s top universities, including SSE. This unique collaboration provides a creative sandbox for exploring and realizing entrepreneurial ventures across various disciplines.


From robust mental health services and diverse academic support to extensive financial aid options and vibrant student organizations, SSE creates an environment where students are not only poised to achieve academic excellence but also to experience a fulfilling campus life that balances educational rigor with well-being and personal growth. For students planning to join SSE, the journey ahead is not just about academic achievements but also about personal and professional development within a supportive and dynamic community. This comprehensive support framework ensures that every student's educational journey at SSE is as rewarding as it is transformative.

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