Renting out a Room in Sweden: What to Include in the Rent

Are you looking to rent out a room in Sweden and want to make sure you're including everything in the rent amount? Look no further! We've got you covered with all the essential information you need to know when renting out a room. From utilities to furnishings and even cleaning expenses, there are a lot of factors to consider when setting the rent amount for your room that is being rented out. Here’s everything you need to know to make your room rental experience in Sweden a success.

Renting out a room in your home in Sweden is an excellent way to get some your income, and by having a clear understanding of what to include in the rent amount, you can make the most of your room and also ensure a smooth experience for both yourself and your tenant. Whether you're a seasoned landlord that rented out many rooms in the past, or if you are new to the game, it's important to have a good understanding of the various components that go into determining the rent amount.

If you want to rent out a room in your apartment or house and love a smooth rental process, you can create a free room ad on Hemavi and avoid unnecessary stress when finding the best roommate.

How can I determine the rent amount?

You can calculate the rent amount based on a variety of components, including the location of the place, the size of the room you're renting out, whether it's furnished, and the regulations set by the Swedish government.

Start by considering how much rent you pay for the entire place, and from that, calculate how much the rent is per square meter. You can then multiply that amount by the size of the room your tenant will be renting. The next step is to factor in the shared spaces, such as the kitchen and the bathroom, and divide their cost on yourself and your tenant.

What should I include in the rent amount?


Including utilities in the rent amount is a common practice for room rentals in Sweden. This includes expenses for electricity, water, heating, and internet. By including these costs in the rent, it makes it easier for both you and your tenant to manage your expenses. The tenant will have a clear idea of their monthly expenses, while you won't have to worry about collecting separate payments for utilities.

However you decide to spilt the cost of electricity, we are happy to offer you a discount on the electricity bill with our partner Skellefteå Kraft. By using this link, you can get electricity at whole-sale price for a full 9 months. They also have award-winning customer support, with no fixed contract length and no notice period.

It's important to note that the specifics of what is included in the utilities can vary depending on the lease agreement you sign. For example, you may choose to not include utilities in the rent, and just divide the electricity bill evenly on yourself and your tenant. It's crucial to discuss these details and clearly outline them in the rental agreement to avoid any misunderstandings.

On that topic, you can draft, edit and sign your own digital lease agreement in under three minutes through Hemavi. Our agreements were prepared by property lawyers, are legally sound, and fully customizable for rooms being rented out. Simply choose your contract language, fill in the information, and sign it online!


Another factor to consider when renting out a room in Sweden is if the place is furnished. If the room is furnished, this can be added as an extra cost included in the rent amount. Furnishings can include items such as a bed, wardrobe, desk, and other basic items. A furnished room will typically command higher rent than an unfurnished one, granted that they’re both located in the same area and are of similar size, of course. According to the Swedish rental law, you are allowed to charge around 10-15% extra on top of the rent, if the place is furnished.

If the room is unfurnished, the tenant will typically be responsible for purchasing their own furniture. Again, it's important to clearly outline the specifics in the rental agreement to avoid any confusion.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Finally, cleaning and maintenance expenses may also be included in the rent amount. This can include cleaning services for common areas, such as the kitchen and bathroom, as well as general maintenance for the place. The exact details will, of course, depend on the agreement between you and your tenant, so it's important to discuss and outline these responsibilities in the rental agreement.

Where can I find a good template for a room rental agreement?

Hemavi offers digital rental contracts created by legal experts for room rentals in Sweden, where you can easily add an inventory list, etc. We also have a team that is always here to help you with your rental. It doesn't get any simpler than that!

Are you renting out a room in Sweden?

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Writing a Room Rental Agreement in Swedenit tells you everything you need to know about room rentals and their lease agreements in Sweden.


When renting out a room in Sweden, it's important to consider what should be included in the rent amount. Utilities, furnishings, and cleaning and maintenance expenses are some of the most common inclusions, but the specifics will depend on the agreement between you and your tenant. By clearly outlining the details in the rental agreement, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for both of you.

It is important to understand what should be included in the rent when renting out a room in Sweden, but it is equally important to find a good person to be living with. If you want to rent out a room in your apartment or house and love a smooth rental process, you can create a free room ad on Hemavi and avoid unnecessary stress when finding the best roommate.