Living with Roommates: A Guide to Shared Accommodation Options in Lund, Sweden

Lund is a vibrant city in southern Sweden, known for its world-class universities, rich history, and scenic surroundings. As an international student, finding suitable housing is essential to make the most of your academic experience in Lund. Fortunately, there are several housing options available, including student housing, rental apartments, co-op housing, condominiums, and houses.

One option that has gained popularity among students in recent years is shared accommodation. This refers to living with roommates or flat-mates in a single housing unit, such as an apartment or house. Shared accommodation can have many benefits, including affordability, socialization, and cultural exchange.


One of the primary benefits of shared accommodation is affordability. Lund is an expensive city, with high rents and living costs. As an international student, you may have limited financial resources, so sharing accommodation can help you save money and live within your budget.

Shared accommodation typically involves splitting the rent, utilities, and other expenses among the roommates, making it more cost-effective than living alone. You may also be able to share groceries, cooking, and cleaning duties, further reducing your expenses. This can be especially helpful if you're on a tight budget or looking to save money for other expenses, such as travel or leisure activities.

Typically, you can expect to pay around 5,000 to 7,000 SEK per month for a single room in a shared apartment or house in Lund, which is significantly less than renting a one-bedroom apartment which easily can exceed 10,000 SEK per month.


Another benefit of shared accommodation is the opportunity to socialize and make new friends. As an international student, you may feel isolated or homesick in a new country, so living with roommates can help you feel more connected and supported.

Living with roommates can provide a built-in social network, as you'll be sharing a living space and daily activities. You can cook meals together, watch movies, play games, or simply hang out and chat. This can help you form meaningful friendships and create lasting memories.

Cultural Exchange

Shared accommodation can also provide a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. Lund is a diverse city, with students and residents from all over the world. Living with roommates from different cultures can expose you to new perspectives, traditions, and languages.

You can learn about their home countries, share your own experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around you. This can be especially valuable if you're interested in global issues, cultural studies, or international relations. It can also help you develop important skills, such as intercultural communication and empathy.

Types of Shared Accommodation

There are several types of shared accommodation available in Lund, depending on your preferences and budget. These include:

  • Shared apartments: This is a common option for students, where two or more roommates share a single apartment. The apartment may have multiple bedrooms, a shared kitchen and bathroom, and a common living area. This is a good option if you prefer more privacy and independence than a dormitory, but still want to share expenses and socialize with others.
  • Shared houses: This is a larger option, where a group of roommates share a single house or villa. The house may have multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, and living areas, as well as a garden or outdoor space. This is a good option if you prefer more space and privacy than an apartment, and enjoy a suburban or rural setting.
  • Homestays: This is a unique option, where you live with a local family in their own home. The family may provide meals, laundry, and other amenities, as well as cultural exchange and support. It is a good option if you want to immerse yourself in Swedish culture and practice your language skills.

When looking for shared accommodation, it's important to consider factors such as location, price, amenities, and compatibility with your roommates. You should also be aware of your legal rights and responsibilities as a tenant, such as signing a lease agreement, paying rent on time, and respecting the property and neighbors.

Other Types of Accommodation

In addition to shared accommodation, there are several other types of accommodation available in Lund, including:

  1. Student housing: Usually small one-room or two-room apartments that come with basic furnishings and amenities, such as a bed, desk, and kitchenette. These apartments are usually located close to the university or other amenities, and can be rented for a period of up to two years.
  2. Dormitories: Lund University offers several dormitory options for international students, with rooms ranging from single to shared. Dormitories are typically located close to campus and offer a range of amenities, such as communal kitchens, laundry facilities, and study areas.
  3. Hostels and hotels: There are several hostels and hotels in Lund that offer short-term accommodation for travelers and students. These options are typically more expensive than shared accommodation or dormitories, but can be a good option for temporary stays.

When choosing a type of accommodation, it's important to consider factors such as location, price, amenities, and proximity to public transportation and essential services. You should start with researching the housing market in Lund to ensure you're selecting the right type of accommodation for you, and that you're getting a fair deal.

We've put together a full guide for Moving to Lund, SwedenWhether you're coming to Lund to study for a semester or pursuing a full degree, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know before arrival, including steps to take for the move, cost of living, ways to find accommodation or roommates, information about student life in Lund and more!


Shared accommodation can be a great option for international students in Lund, offering affordability, socialization, and cultural exchange. By choosing the right housing option and roommates, you can create a comfortable and supportive living environment that enhances your academic experience and personal growth.

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