Exploring Global Horizons: Study Abroad and Exchange Programs at University of Copenhagen

Embark on a transformative journey with UCPH's study abroad programs. Explore new cultures, forge global connections, and expand your horizons!

Exploring Global Horizons: Study Abroad and Exchange Programs at University of Copenhagen
Photo from University of Copenhagen's website

Embarking on a journey of higher education is not just about the classrooms you sit in or the textbooks you pore over; it's about the experiences that shape you, the connections you forge, and the horizons you expand. At the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), this philosophy is at the heart of the institution's commitment to providing students with opportunities to explore the world, broaden their perspectives, and immerse themselves in new cultures through our dynamic study abroad and exchange programs.

The University of Copenhagen's study abroad and exchange programs offer a gateway to a world of discovery, growth, and transformation. They're an opportunity to explore new cultures, learn about the world, and experience education beyond borders. From traversing the cobblestone streets of Copenhagen to engaging with leading scholars from around the globe, international students at UCPH are at the forefront of a worldly, comprehensive and innovative educational path.

The world is waiting. Are you ready to embrace it?

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Outgoing Exchange Programs

UCPH has partnerships with universities and institutions around the world, allowing its students to study abroad for a semester or academic year. Through exchange programs like Erasmus+ and bilateral agreements, students can choose from a wide range of destinations and academic disciplines. These programs enable students to transfer credits earned abroad back to their UCPH degree, ensuring a seamless academic experience.

UCPH has partnerships with over 400 universities and institutions worldwide, spanning six continents. These partnerships enable students to choose from a diverse range of destinations and academic disciplines for their exchange experience. Additionally, UCPH actively participates in the Erasmus+ program, a flagship European Union initiative that promotes student mobility and cooperation between European universities. Through Erasmus+, UCPH students have the opportunity to study abroad at prestigious institutions across Europe while receiving financial support for their exchange period. In addition to Erasmus+, UCPH has bilateral agreements with universities outside of Europe, allowing students to explore study abroad opportunities in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and beyond. These agreements ensure a wide array of options for students seeking international experiences.

Each year, hundreds of UCPH students participate in outgoing exchange programs, enriching their academic journey with cross-cultural experiences and gaining valuable insights into global perspectives. The university's commitment to internationalization is reflected in the high number of students who take advantage of these opportunities.

Exchange programs at UCPH typically last for one semester or a full academic year, depending on the preferences and academic requirements of the students. This duration allows students to fully immerse themselves in the host culture, engage with local communities, and deepen their understanding of global issues. Credits earned during the exchange period are usually transferable back to students' UCPH degree programs, ensuring that their academic progress remains uninterrupted and that they stay on track for graduation. This seamless integration of exchange credits enhances the appeal of outgoing exchange programs for UCPH students.

Ingoing Exchange Programs

UCPH also welcomes international exchange students from partner universities worldwide. Incoming exchange students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of courses taught in English across different faculties. They can immerse themselves in Danish culture, engage with local and international students, and take advantage of the university's resources and facilities.

Each year, UCPH hosts hundreds of incoming exchange students from partner universities around the world. These students contribute to the vibrant academic community at UCPH, bringing with them unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural insights. Incoming exchange students have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program or bilateral agreements between UCPH and their home universities. These agreements provide a framework for academic exchange, cultural immersion, and collaboration between institutions.

Ingoing exchange programs at UCPH typically last for one semester or a full academic year, allowing students to fully engage with the academic and cultural life of the university and Denmark. The duration of the exchange period varies depending on the preferences and academic requirements of the incoming students.

UCPH offers a wide range of courses taught in English across various faculties, making it accessible to incoming exchange students who may not be proficient in Danish. These courses cover a diverse range of subjects, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and more. UCPH provides comprehensive support services for incoming exchange students, including assistance with housing, visa applications, orientation programs, and academic advising. The university's International Office is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition and positive experience for all incoming students.

International Summer Schools

UCPH offers a diverse range of international summer schools, covering various academic disciplines and topics of interest. These programs cater to students at different academic levels, from undergraduates to postgraduates, as well as professionals seeking continuing education opportunities. Each year, UCPH's international summer schools attract hundreds of participants from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. The inclusive and welcoming environment encourages collaboration, networking, and cross-cultural exchange among participants.

International summer schools at UCPH typically last for two to six weeks, providing an intensive and immersive learning experience for participants. The condensed format allows students to focus on a specific subject area and make the most of their time in Copenhagen.

UCPH's international summer schools cover a wide range of subject areas, including but not limited to:

  • Sustainability and environmental studies
  • Public health and epidemiology
  • Social sciences and cultural studies
  • Business and entrepreneurship
  • Natural sciences and climate research
  • Humanities and cultural heritage

These programs are designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and interdisciplinary perspectives on pressing global issues. International summer schools at UCPH feature renowned faculty members, researchers, and experts who lead lectures, seminars, and workshops. Participants have the opportunity to learn from leading scholars in their field and engage in discussions on cutting-edge research and real-world applications.

In addition to academic sessions, UCPH's international summer schools often include cultural and social activities, allowing participants to explore Copenhagen's rich cultural heritage, interact with local communities, and build lifelong friendships with fellow participants.

Research Collaborations

In addition to study abroad and exchange programs, UCPH encourages research collaborations and partnerships with institutions worldwide. Faculty members and researchers have the opportunity to engage in joint research projects, share expertise, and collaborate on academic publications, further enhancing the university's global impact and reputation.

UCPH is part of several international research networks and consortia, providing opportunities for international students to participate in collaborative research projects. These networks include the League of European Research Universities (LERU), the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and various bilateral partnerships with universities in Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. Additionally, CPH collaborates with international partners to establish joint research centers and institutes focused on addressing global challenges and advancing cutting-edge research. These centers bring together interdisciplinary teams of researchers to tackle complex issues such as climate change, public health, sustainable development, and more.

UCPH offers mobility programs and exchanges for international students to participate in research projects at the university's faculties and departments. These programs provide students with hands-on research experience, exposure to state-of-the-art facilities, and mentorship from leading scholars in their field.

UCPH's research collaborations have a tangible impact on society and contribute to innovation and technological advancement. Through collaborative projects, international students have the opportunity to develop solutions to real-world problems, influence policy decisions, and drive positive change in their respective fields. Research collaborations at UCPH result in numerous publications in high-impact journals and citations in academic literature. International students contribute to these publications through their research efforts, further enhancing the visibility and impact of UCPH's research output on the global stage.


The study abroad and exchange programs at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) offer an unparalleled opportunity for students to embark on a transformative journey of academic and personal growth. Whether you're a UCPH student seeking to broaden your horizons through an international exchange, or an incoming student eager to explore the vibrant academic and cultural landscape of Copenhagen, UCPH provides a supportive and enriching environment for your global adventure.

Through these programs, students have the chance to immerse themselves in new cultures, gain invaluable insights into global perspectives, and forge lifelong connections with peers from around the world. From the cobblestone streets of Copenhagen to the lecture halls of partner universities worldwide, the experiences gained through study abroad and exchange programs at UCPH are sure to leave a lasting impact.

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