Common Terms in Room Rental Agreements in Denmark

Welcome to the quirky and sometimes baffling world of renting or leasing out a room in Denmark, where the fine print in a rental agreement can sometimes seem like it’s written in a whole different language! But no need to worry—we're here to break it all down into plain English and turn that daunting contract into something you can handle with ease and maybe even a bit of a smile.

From "deposit" to "termination notice," we'll guide you through all the crucial legal terms you're bound to encounter in your journey as a landlord or tenant. Getting a grip on these terms is more than just legalese—it's your ticket to avoiding those uncomfortable misunderstandings, costly blunders, and unnecessary legal headaches. So, let's roll up our sleeves and jump right into the nitty-gritty of Danish room rental agreements.

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What is a room rental agreement?

A room rental agreement in Denmark is a specific type of lease arrangement where an individual (the tenant) rents a single room within a property, rather than the entire property. This kind of arrangement is common in shared housing, where several tenants might live in the same house or apartment but rent their rooms individually. Each tenant typically has access to common areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.

Understanding these terms can help ensure that the rental agreement you prepare is comprehensive and compliant with Danish law. It's also a good idea to consult with a legal professional specializing in real estate or tenancy laws in Denmark to ensure that your rental agreement is appropriate and lawful.

Lejer (Tenant)

The person who rents the property and will be living in it.

Udlejer (Landlord)

The person who owns the property and is renting out a room.

Lejemål (Rental Property)

Refers to the property being rented, including the room itself as well as any common or shared spaces such as bathrooms, living rooms, or kitchens.

Husleje (Rent)

The amount of money the tenant pays the landlord for the use of the room. It's essential that the rental agreement outline the amount of rent, as well as its due date, any late fees, and anything that may be included or excluded from the rent, such as maintenance and utility fees.

Depositum (Deposit)

A security deposit held by the landlord to cover potential damages or unpaid rent. It is typically up to three months' rent, and is held as security for any damages or unpaid rent at the end of the tenancy. The amount of the security deposit should be stated clearly in the rental agreement.

Forudbetalt leje (Prepaid Rent)

Rent paid in advance, often the first month's rent or more.

Opsigelsesvarsel (Notice Period)

The time period required to terminate the rental agreement, which must be observed by both tenant and landlord.

Indflytningsrapport (Move-in Report)

A report documenting the condition of the rental property when the tenant moves in. This report may be used as reference for disputes regarding any charges incurred from the security deposit for any damages, and therefore must be very thorough and clear.

Fraflytningsrapport (Move-out Report)

A report documenting the condition of the rental property when the tenant moves out. It may be used as a reference for the move-in report of the next tenant.

Vedligeholdelse (Maintenance)

Responsibilities for maintaining the property, often divided between the tenant and landlord. Typically, landlords are responsible for major repairs and maintenance, related to infrastructure and safety of the property, while the tenant may be in charge of more minor maintenance needs that come up as a result of their usage of the property, such as replacing light-bulbs and used perishables.

Lejeperiode (Lease Term)

The duration of the rental agreement.

Fornyelse (Renewal)

Terms under which the rental agreement may be renewed.

Lejeregulering (Rent Adjustment)

The conditions under which the rent can be adjusted. These are subject to local laws and depend on different factors, such as the year the property was built and its size.

Fremleje (Subletting)

Conditions under which the tenant can sublet the property.

Overtagelsesdato (Commencement Date)

The date when the tenant takes over the property.


Knowing the typical legal terms used in a room rental agreement is essential for both landlords and tenants in Denmark. Such knowledge helps prevent miscommunication and conflicts, facilitating a harmonious rental experience. Given the specifics of Danish rental law, consulting with a legal expert is recommended if there are any uncertainties or questions regarding the agreement's contents. This ensures that both parties' rights are protected, and the rental process adheres to legal standards.

Are you renting out a room in Denmark? Listing your room on Hemavi will help you connect with like-minded individuals who are hoping to be your new roommate!