All About Support Services for International Students at Karolinska Institutet

At Karolinska Institutet, support for students spans academics, innovation, and well-being, ensuring a comprehensive environment for growth and exploration. With resources for international students, health initiatives, and startup guidance, KI fosters success beyond the classroom.

All About Support Services for International Students at Karolinska Institutet
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Navigating a new country, culture, and education system can be daunting, but fear not, because Karolinska Institutet (KI) offers a plethora of support services designed to make your journey as smooth and enriching as possible. Whether you're here for a semester, a year, or the entirety of your degree, the university ensures you feel fully supported every step of the way.

From academic advising to health and wellness resources, and from language support to cultural integration activities, Karolinska Institutet prides itself on creating an inclusive and supportive environment for students hailing from all corners of the globe.

So, whether you're in the midst of preparing for your arrival or you're already at KI trying to navigate your early days, this guide is your stepping stone to uncovering all the resources at your disposal. Let's embark on this journey together, ensuring your experience at Karolinska Institutet is not just about academic excellence, but also about personal growth, cultural exchange, and building lifelong friendships.

Enrolling at Karolinska Institutet next semester? Make sure you've got your accommodation sorted out – check the listings on Hemavi.

Study and Career Guidance at Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet (KI) provides extensive study and career support for international students, emphasizing both academic success and career readiness. These services are designed to ensure that students not only excel in their current studies but are also well-prepared for their future careers.

Academic Writing Support

KI offers academic writing support through its University Library, where students can improve their academic writing, reading, and oral presentation skills. Students have the option to book individual appointments or attend workshops.

Study Technique and Study Counselling

KI encourages students to enhance their study techniques and offers personalized advice through study counsellors. Each programme and free-standing course at KI has a designated study counsellor who can assist with navigating the rules and requirements of the programme, as well as issues related to student life and study planning.

Students with Disabilities

KI is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment. Students with disabilities can receive specialized support during their studies to ensure they have the same educational opportunities as their peers.

Internships on Own Initiative

KI supports students in arranging internships on their own, providing a way to gain practical experience, expand their network of contacts, and gain insights into potential career paths. It is important for students to ensure that their internship aligns with their academic studies and is recognized for academic credit where applicable.

Finding Employers in Stockholm and Uppsala

KI assists students in identifying potential employers in the region. This is facilitated through resources like the Stockholm Science City's Life Science Industry Map, which helps students explore companies based on their field of interest.

Student Organizations at Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden, offers a vibrant student life with numerous organizations and clubs that cater to a wide range of interests from academic clubs to sports, arts, and cultural activities. These organizations are not only about making friends and engaging with the community but also about enhancing the academic and personal development of the students.

One of the key aspects of student representation at KI is through sections under the Medicinska Föreningen (MF), where students are automatically part of their respective section upon joining. These sections, such as the Biomedical Educational Section (BUS) and the Public Health Section (PHS), play major roles in influencing the educational development of their courses and programmes by providing feedback, forming a direct link between students and various decision-making bodies at KI, and organizing social events and activities. For instance, BUS has been involved in redesigning the Master’s in Biomedicine syllabus and organizing events like the Biobollen brännboll tournament and Project Wisdom, a popular science book club.

Health and Wellbeing Support at Karolinska Institutet

The Student Wellbeing Centre at KI provides individual support, advice, and consultations to students dealing with issues like stress, anxiety, problems with concentration or procrastination, difficulties in the study environment, sleep troubles, or feeling low. Initial contact for support usually begins with a nurse, and if necessary, students may then meet with a psychologist, psychotherapist, or doctor​​. The Centre also offers a variety of group activities, lunch webinars on topics such as stress management and public speaking anxiety, and lifestyle tests. All services provided by the Student Wellbeing Centre are confidential and free of charge.

KI's approach to student support extends beyond mental health. The institute emphasizes physical activity for both physical and psychosocial health. To this end, KI hosts sporty events like the KI Olympics and Sports Day to encourage participation in physical activities. Additionally, the campuses offer gym facilities at BASE campus Flemingsberg and Box campus Solna, equipped for training routines, weightlifting, and various group exercise classes. The Health Promotion unit provides advisory services for students unsure how to use the gym equipment or those seeking to develop a training routine.

KI Innovations

Karolinska Institutet provides support for startups through KI Innovations. This platform serves both as an innovation support system and an incubator at Karolinska Institutet, aimed at guiding research-based ideas, discoveries, and knowledge towards creating a healthier future for all. KI Innovations offers comprehensive assistance in transforming ideas into innovations, including early idea support, business idea validation, and business development support within their Deeptech Life Science Incubator program​.

Support for International Students at Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet offers comprehensive support for international students through various services designed to ease their transition and enhance their study experience. This includes orientation programs to help students settle into their new environment, Swedish language courses aimed at facilitating better integration into the local culture, and specific counseling services to address any academic or personal challenges. Additionally, KI's global community offers a rich cultural exchange, fostering networking opportunities with peers from around the world. These efforts are aimed at ensuring international students can successfully navigate their studies and life in Sweden.


With a wide array of academic, wellness, innovation, and community engagement resources at your fingertips, KI is not just a place to learn—it's a place to thrive. Whether you're diving into groundbreaking research, seeking personal growth, or building a startup, KI has your back. And remember, amidst the challenges of adjusting to a new culture and academic environment, you're never alone. Welcome to a vibrant community where your success and well-being are our top priority.

To take the next step in your journey with moving to Stockholm – finding accommodation, visit Hemavi—a gateway to accessing affordable, scam-free listings for shared accommodation in the city.