5 Things to Keep in Mind when Renting out a Room in Denmark

Are you considering renting out a room in your apartment in Denmark? Whether you're a seasoned property owner or new to the landlord scene, navigating the Danish rental market can seem daunting. Denmark's robust tenant protection laws, detailed rental agreement stipulations, and specific municipal regulations can create a complex landscape for anyone looking to lease their property.

As a prospective landlord in Denmark, navigating the rental market can be both exciting and challenging. With a gross rental yield hovering around 4.16% as of the last quarter of 2023, the Danish rental market offers potential for sustainable returns, though net yields typically adjust to about 1.5% to 2% lower after expenses. These figures underscore the importance of managing property efficiently and understanding market dynamics.

Here are Hemavi's top five things to keep in mind when you're planning to rent out a room in Denmark, whether you own a quaint apartment in a quiet neighborhood or are considering purchasing property in bustling Copenhagen.

Rental Agreements in Denmark

Creating a legally compliant rental agreement in Denmark is a critical step for any landlord. A Danish rental contract should clearly outline terms such as the monthly rent, lease duration, and notice periods. It's important to detail the deposit amount, which can legally be up to three months' rent, and any prepaid rent, which is also typically up to three months. It is also crucial to detail both the tenant's and the landlord's obligations regarding property maintenance.

The rental agreement should also specify how utilities are to be managed. Although not mandatory for single tenancy rentals, conducting a property inspection and preparing a move-in report at the start of the tenancy is recommended. This helps both parties agree on the property's condition, avoiding disputes at the end of the tenancy.

Furthermore, ensuring that the rental agreement complies with all local laws, including tenant protections and rental conditions, is essential. Tenants in Denmark enjoy robust protections, and the rental agreement must not contain any provisions that infringe on these rights, such as unfair eviction processes or unauthorized rent increases.

Registration Requirements for Rentals in Denmark

In Denmark, the registration requirements for renting out property can vary depending on the municipality and the type of rental arrangement. Generally, landlords must ensure that their rental agreements comply with local regulations, which may include registering the rental with the local municipality, especially when renting out multiple units or changing the use of the property.

For landlords renting out rooms or properties, it's important to check specific local requirements, as some municipalities may require registration to track and manage local housing conditions, ensure safety standards are met, and provide better services. These registrations can also help municipalities enforce compliance with building codes and rental laws.

The process typically involves submitting details about the rental properties, such as location, type of rental, and compliance with safety standards. This might include inspections or obtaining certain permits, especially if the building's use is changed from personal to rental use. Additionally, this registration can play a crucial role in case of disputes or legal matters between tenants and landlords.

Rent Control in Denmark

In Denmark, particularly in cities like Copenhagen, rent control regulations play a significant role in ensuring affordable housing. These regulations are enforced to prevent tenants from spending a disproportionate amount of their income on housing, thus supporting social mobility and economic fairness within the community​. Buildings constructed before 1992 generally fall under rent control, which means their rental prices are subject to specific regulatory frameworks to keep them reasonable for tenants.

There are primarily two methods used to determine the controlled rent in these older buildings:

  • Expense-Based Pricing: This method calculates rent based on the total operational and maintenance costs incurred by the landlord, plus a reasonable profit margin, typically around 7%. For a standard 100 square meter apartment in Copenhagen, this could result in a monthly rent of approximately 6,700 to 7,500 DKK.
  • Value-Based Pricing ("lejedes værdi"): This method assesses rent based on the market value of similar properties, taking into account factors like location, amenities, and the condition of the property. It's a more subjective approach and often used when significant investments have been made in the property.

For smaller buildings with less than seven apartments, a special rule, known as "29c", applies. This rule often results in lower rents compared to those calculated using expense-based pricing, ranging typically from 3,500 to 5,000 DKK per 50 square meters monthly.

Tenants who believe they are being overcharged have the right to challenge their rent through the legal system and potentially claim back overpayments for up to 36 months. The rent for rent-controlled properties is usually adjusted annually in line with inflation to reflect any changes in living costs.

Tenant Rights in Denmark

In Denmark, tenant rights are robustly protected, particularly regarding eviction processes and the rights of tenants during a landlord's ownership change.

Eviction Protection

Danish law strongly protects tenants from eviction. Landlords must adhere to strict legal processes and provide ample notice before eviction can occur. Typically, eviction notices must be justified by substantial reasons such as non-payment of rent or severe lease violations. For example, tenants usually enjoy a mandatory three-month notice period for eviction, providing them significant time to either rectify the issue or find alternative housing. In some cases, especially for more minor infractions, tenants and landlords are encouraged to agree on a fair notice period that might extend beyond the standard duration.

Change of Ownership

If a property is sold, the new owner inherits the existing tenancy agreements under the same conditions. This means tenants cannot be evicted simply because the property changes hands. The new owner must honor the terms of any existing lease agreements and cannot force the tenant out without following the proper legal procedures that apply to all landlords.

Access to the Property

Tenants have control over their rented property, meaning landlords cannot demand access without notice. In non-emergency situations, landlords must provide notice or arrange visits in advance. Emergency access is allowed for urgent repairs like water leaks, but overall, tenants have the right to deny access if they feel it's unjustified.

These protections ensure tenants can maintain stable living conditions and are not subject to arbitrary decisions by landlords or new property owners. For more details on the Danish Rent Act and tenant rights, visiting official resources such as the Danish Rent Act's website or consulting with legal professionals in Denmark can provide more comprehensive insights​.

Tenant Screening in Denmark

In Denmark, tenant screening is a crucial process that includes several key components to ensure reliability and compatibility of potential tenants. The CPR number, which stands for Central Person Register, plays a central role in this process. This unique identification number is assigned to every resident and citizen of Denmark and is essential for various administrative processes, including banking, taxation, and access to healthcare services. The CPR number helps verify the identity of individuals, making it a vital element in tenant screening​.

Landlords often require potential tenants to provide their CPR number to check their financial stability and rental history. This number allows landlords to access necessary information, ensuring that the tenant can meet rental agreements' obligations. It's used to perform background checks, which can include checking credit scores, criminal records, and previous rental behaviors. The tenant's financial stability can often be verified through employment details and income levels, and the CPR number helps streamline this verification process by linking to various Danish national databases.

It's important for landlords to handle this information with care, respecting privacy laws and ensuring secure handling of personal data. The screening process helps landlords make informed decisions about who they rent to, reducing the risk of rental issues and ensuring a stable tenant-landlord relationship.


Navigating the Danish rental market as a landlord requires a comprehensive understanding of various regulations and a commitment to upholding tenant rights. From crafting legally compliant rental agreements to managing tenant relationships with respect and fairness, landlords in Denmark must navigate a multitude of responsibilities.

Being a landlord in Denmark is not merely about leasing property but about fostering responsible tenancies that respect both legal frameworks and human dignity. By staying informed and compliant, landlords can contribute to a fair, stable, and profitable rental market.

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